LSET Certified DevOps Engineer (Professional)

LSET Certified DevOps Engineer (Professional)

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Exam Pattern Multiple Choice Questions
Mode of Exam Online
Duration of exam 1 hour (60 Minutes)
Exam questions 40 Questions

“LSET’s DevOps Engineer Certification offers a thorough examination of DevOps principles, encompassing a wide array of tools and methodologies. This certification focuses on honing skills to optimise operations, development, and collaboration. Master the art of streamlined software delivery and efficient infrastructure management with our cutting-edge curriculum.

LSET Certification Objectives

The LSET certification strives to attain the following goals:
LSET’s DevOps Engineer Certification equips candidates with vital expertise in automation, version control, CI/CD, and containerisation, enhancing job prospects in the rapidly evolving tech industry.

What are the entry requirements?

For DevOps engineering certification, candidates should have a strong understanding of programming languages like Python, scripting (such as Shell or Bash), and version control systems like Git. Familiarity with web development technologies and automation tools is also beneficial.

Key Benefits of the Certified DevOps Engineer Certification:

  • Upon successfully demonstrating your proficiency in DevOps, you will be awarded a well-known LSET certification.
  • Upon the release of the Advanced Level, you will have the opportunity to pursue additional certifications.
  • The certification recognises your expertise in DevOps principles, tools, and best practices, making you a valuable asset to any organisation seeking to enhance its software delivery processes.
  • A certification in DevOps can lead to new career opportunities and higher-paying roles in the rapidly expanding field of DevOps.

Future Career Opportunities

  • Build Engineer
  • Release Manager
  • Product Manager

Elevate your career by becoming a DevOps expert and thriving as a skilled engineer in the ever-evolving tech industry with our certification.

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